The New York Stock Exchange!

New York Stock Exchange
What is it? The New York Stock Exchange is where folks around the world come to invest in their favorite companies in a gamble that will either make them rich or bankrupt!
What makes it historical? The world’s largest stock exchange had its start on May 17, 1792 when 24 brokers met under a Buttonwood Tree and agreed to start trading securities in five companies, starting with the Bank of New York! It took them 25 years to rent their first rooms on Wall Street and to name the New York Stock & Exchange Board. Since it moved to its current location in 1865, it has been the financial heart of New York, of America, and in many ways, the world!

Now let’s do the numbers! The NYSE’s greatest gain happened on March 16, 2000 (499 points), and its greatest loss of 685 points took place on September 11, 2001! It has crawled back from financial panics in 1792, 1819, 1837, 1857, 1873, 1893, 1901, 1907, 1929, and 1987. It also had to close for long stretches after the assassination of President Lincoln, during World War I, on Victory in Japan Day, after JFK was assassinated, and in response to the terrorist attacks on 9/11!

Today, the stock market is owned by Intercontinental Exchange in Atlanta but continues to define many global financial trends! You too can buy stocks and bonds here, usually with the help of a broker. It’s exciting to watch your money grow with interest in the companies you invest in, but be careful not to put too many of your eggs in one basket!

How can I Help the Helpers? HERE’S HOW:

  • Donate to the Historic Districts Council!
  • Donate to the Trust for Architectural Easements!
  • Be a responsible visitor! Please respect the signs and pathways, and treat all structures and artifacts with respect. They’ve endured a lot to survive into the present. They’ll need our help to make it into the future!
Where is this place? 11 Wall St
New York, NY 10005

From Albany: ~151mi (244km) — 2.6hrs
From Buffalo: ~373mi (601km) — 6.3hrs
From Lake Placid: ~289mi (466km) — 4.9hrs
From New York City: ~1mi (2km) — 0.1hrs

When should I go? Whenever the mood strikes you!

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