Barstow Harvey House!

Harvey House
Landmark #892 San Bernardino County Visited: December 17, 2011 Plaque?  YES! 🙂
What is it? The Barstow Amtrak Station and Chamber of Commerce!
What makes it historical? THE GUIDE SAYS: In 1893, Fred Harvey, founder and operator of the Santa Fe Harvey Houses, took over the operation of all hotels and restaurants on the Santa Fe line, including the one at Barstow (then Waterman Junction) constructed in 1885. In 1908, this Harvey House burned, and in 1910-13 the present Spanish-Moorish structure, designed by architect Mary E. J. Coulter, was constructed. It is the best surviving example of California’s depot-hotels of the turn of the century.

OTHER TIDBITS: This Harvey House, known as “Casa del Desierto,” or Desert House, was an important place for Barstow’s social events, dances, and the like! It was widely popular for its elegant meals and hotel rooms, but it was ultimately done in by the Santa Fe Railroad’s decision to start serving meals on their trains! Thus, the age of convenience ended the age of luxury!

This landmark is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places!

How can I Help the Helpers? HERE’S HOW:

  • Become a member of the Western American Railroad Museum!
  • Become a member of the Mojave River Valley Museum!
  • Be a responsible visitor! Please respect the signs and pathways, and treat all structures and artifacts with respect. They’ve endured a lot to survive into the present. They’ll need our help to make it into the future!
Where is this place? LISTED DIRECTIONS:

  • Santa Fe Depot
    SW corner of First Ave and Riverside Dr
    Barstow, CA 92311


  • Mojave River Valley Museum
    270 E Virginia Way
    Barstow, CA 92311

Actually, the plaque is at the Harvey House itself, facing the tracks:

681 North First Avenue
Barstow, CA 92311

From Los Angeles: ~115mi (186km) — 2hrs
From Sacramento: ~406mi (654km) — 6.8hrs
From San Diego: ~176mi (284km) — 3hrs
From San Francisco: ~411mi (662km) — 6.9hrs

When should I go? You can admire the exterior any time you wish, but to visit the museums inside, you’ll have to swing by between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM Friday, Saturday, or Sunday!

Click here to see more California historical landmarks!

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