Site of Pioneer Mutual Volunteer Firehouse!

Site of Pioneer Mutual Volunteer Firehouse
Landmark #612 Sacramento County Visited: March 22, 2015 Plaque?  NO. 🙁
What is it? The parking lot of Perko’s and the Vagabond Inn!
What makes it historical? THE GUIDE SAYS: Erected in 1854, this structure was occupied by Engine Co. No. 1, the oldest fire company of California.

OTHER TIDBITS: The Pioneer Mutual Hook and Ladder Company provided all-volunteer protection of Sacramento from 1850 until 1872, when it was replaced with a professional firefighting company!

How can I Help the Helpers? HERE’S HOW:

  • Volunteer with the Sacramento History Museum!
  • Donate to the Sacramento History Museum!
  • Be a responsible visitor! Please respect the signs and pathways, and treat all structures and artifacts with respect. They’ve endured a lot to survive into the present. They’ll need our help to make it into the future!
Where is this place? LISTED DIRECTIONS:
200 ft NE of intersection of 3rd and J Sts
Sacramento, CA 95814

Yup! That’s correct!

From Los Angeles: ~384mi (618km) — 6.4hrs
From Sacramento: ~0mi (0km) — 0hrs
From San Diego: ~504mi (812km) — 8.4hrs
From San Francisco: ~88mi (142km) — 1.5hrs

When should I go? Whenever the mood strikes you!

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