Edwin Markham Home!

Edwin Markham Home
Landmark #416 Santa Clara County Visited: August 28, 2016 Plaque?  YES! 🙂
What is it? A house in Kelley Park and a plaque up the road!
What makes it historical? THE GUIDE SAYS: Markham was born at Oregon City April 23, 1852 and later moved to a cattle ranch near Suisun. Later he and his mother moved to San Jose, and Markham entered the State Normal School, from which he graduated in 1872. Markham lived and taught school in many places but made this home his main residence, and it was here that he wrote The Man with the Hoe.

OTHER TIDBITS: Just in case the plaque left you a little high and dry, Edwin Markham was a renowned poet who wrote In support of labor rights and against child labor! Though he grew up on a farm with a mother who did everything she could to curtail his interest in literature, Mr. Markham became the first poet to receive the Academy Fellowship! Some of his noteworthy works were The Ballad of the Gallows Bird, Children in Bondage, and The Man with the Hoe, which was inspired by the painting L’homme à la Houe by Jean-François Millet!

How can I Help the Helpers? HERE’S HOW:

  • Pay the entrance fee to help maintain trails, signs, structures, and other visitor services!
  • Volunteer with the Poetry Center San Jose!
  • Donate to the Associated Students of San Jose State University!
  • Be a responsible visitor! Please respect the signs and pathways, and treat all structures and artifacts with respect. They’ve endured a lot to survive into the present. They’ll need our help to make it into the future!
Where is this place? LISTED DIRECTIONS:
Kelley Park
1600 Senter Rd
San Jose, CA 95112



    • The southwest corner of the park, the northwest corner of the historical village, across from the better labeled Zanker House!

    • 432 S. 8th St
      San Jose, CA 95112

From Los Angeles: ~338mi (544km) — 5.7hrs
From Sacramento: ~120mi (194km) — 2hrs
From San Diego: ~457mi (736km) — 7.7hrs
From San Francisco: ~51mi (83km) — 0.9hrs

When should I go? The park is open from 8:00 AM until half an hour after sunset, and the plaque is visible all the time!

Edwin Markham Home

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