Weldon Springs State Park!

Weldon Springs State Park

What Is Weldon Springs State Park?

This is a collection of historic and recreation areas on property once owned by Judge Lawrence Weldon, a friend of Abraham Lincoln!

What Makes It Beautiful?

This park is a haven for outdoor recreation, with fishing, hiking, and camping year-round! Preserving native prairie and wetlands, the centerpiece of the park is a big lake fed by springs whose water has traveled through sand and gravel filters for 2,000 years! These springs drew Judge Weldon to settle here in the years before the Civil War, and what drew organizers of Chautauquas after he passed. These annual outdoor symposia ran for twenty years from 1901 to 1921 and brought in speakers like William Jennings Bryant, President Taft, and Helen Keller! Today, if you time your visit right, you might get to see all fifty “Flags of Freedom” raised over the Veterans Point memorial, honoring 1,500 veterans representing half of the country!

How Can I #HelpTheHelpers?

  • Volunteer with the Weldon Springs Foundation!
  • Be a responsible visitor! Remember the old adages: Pack out what you pack in! Take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints!

How Do I Get There?

4734 Weldon Springs Rd
Clinton, IL 61727
(Take Me There!)

When Should I Visit the Park?

The park is open daily from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM!

More Photos

The old Union School!
The flags at Veterans Point!
Freedom Is Not Free' by Marianne Caroselli!
The park's spring-fed lake!

Read all about my experience in this park!

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