Mount Horeb Trollway!

Mount Horeb Trollway

What Is the Mount Horeb Trollway?

The Mount Horeb Trollway boasts a population of 36 troll statues, making it the Troll Capital of the World!

What Makes It Wonderful?

In the mid-1980s, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin was in a major bind: the state was preparing to divert Highway 18/151 around the town in order to expand it to a four-lane highway! For a town that relied on passing traffic to keep its businesses afloat, this was a catastrophe!

But these folks were resourceful! Truckers had really enjoyed the Norwegian trolls posted outside the Open House Imports gift shop since the mid 1970s, and so the townsfolk recruited woodcarver, Michael Feeney, to add some more! These trolls became so numerous that the town had their answer to the road diversion: their town center would be known as the Trollway, and they’d invite folks far and wide to come and see the trolls!

Today, there are troll statues, troll restaurants, and troll shops galore in Mount Horeb! Plus, every winter, the town hosts their annual Scandihoovian Winter Festival, where no crankiness is allowed! Instead, these troll friends do a spelling bee, broomball, a fat tire bike race, and more to liven things up in winter and feel less like they’ve been turned to stone!

How Can I #HelpTheHelpers?

  • Be a responsible visitor! Please respect the signs and pathways, and treat all structures and artifacts with respect. They’ve endured a lot to survive into the present. They’ll need our help to make it into the future!

How Do I Get There?

300 E Main St
Mt Horeb, WI 53572
(Take Me There!)

When Should I Visit?

Whenever the mood strikes you!

More Photos

The Peddler Troll at Open House Imports!
The Troll under the Bridge!
Ragnar the Rusty!
The Gardener Troll!

Read all about my experience at this wonderful place!

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