The Pantheon of Rome!

The Pantheon of Rome
What is it? The Pantheon in Rome is a huge temple that served both the polytheistic Romans and the monotheistic Christians for hundreds of years!
What makes it historical? Pantheon translates from Greek into “all gods,” and this temple was designed to house a bunch of them, like Venus, Mars, and the deified Julius Caesar! This mighty temple replaced the two that burnt down before it and opened in 125 CE under the reign of Hadrian, who honored the creator of the first Pantheon, Marcus Agrippa, with an inscription over the door!

The Pantheon isn’t ornate on the outside. In fact, it could be the first Classical building with an interior designed to surpass its exterior! It has a huge concrete dome (the largest unsupported one in the world) that opens to the sky and was once adorned with bright colors: bronze, purple, and yellow! It’s also unique in that its diameter is exactly the same as the distance from the floor to the summit!

This is the best preserved building from Roman times, and no one is quite sure how it survived the fall of Rome. However, it endured into modern times thanks to its conversion in 609 AD, to a Christian church honoring St. Mary of the Martyrs! Though church services are no longer still held there, it is the burial site of Italian royalty 1870 to 1946, and the famed painter, Raphael!

How can I Help the Helpers? HERE’S HOW:

  • Be a responsible visitor! Please respect the signs and pathways, and treat all structures and artifacts with respect. They’ve endured a lot to survive into the present. They’ll need our help to make it into the future!
Where is this place? Piazza della Rotonda
00186 Roma RM

From Firenze: ~174mi (281km) — 2.9hrs
From Napoli: ~142mi (229km) — 2.4hrs
From Roma: ~1mi (2km) — 0.1hrs
From Venezia: ~329mi (530km) — 5.5hrs

When should I go? The Pantheon is open Monday through Saturday from 8:30 AM until 7:30 PM and on Sundays from 9:00 AM until 6:00 PM!

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